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, Among the many well-known students of the Institute, we can mention Pan Yuliang, the female pioneer of Western-style painting, who astounded the early twentiety-century Chinese audience with her controversial nudes

, Zheng Dazhang, a PhD student of Marie Curie and the initiator of radium research in Mainland China

, Zhang Xi, a pioneer of oceanography studies in mainland China

, Su Xuelin, one of the first female authors of modern Chinese literature, a former professor at Chenggong University in Tainan

, Dai Wangshu, a famous poet and the cultural pioneer of modernism in mainland China

Y. Kun, one of the founding fathers of ethnological studies in China; and Chen Shiwen, perhaps less well-known

, and diplomas; 2) PhD dissertations and theses in all disciplines: law, science, literature, history, medicine, pharmacology and ethnology; 3) administrative records of the Institute regarding the students' lives and studies; 4) the journal of the Institute (Annales de l'Institut franco chinois); 5) the last part of the archives comprises a huge quantity of library materials representing the former library of the Institute. The Institute's library kept a very important collection, comprising approximately 30,000 thousand books and more than 400 periodicals. See Valentina De Monte, 'Les collections de l'ancien IFCL: quels services pour quels usagers? Un état des lieux pour de nouvelles perspectives, The archives include the following documents:1) selected students' files, including letters between the students and the administration of the Institute, registration forms, vol.9, 2014.

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L. Bianco, ,. Shizeng, ;. , and L. Chine, Dictionnaire du mouvement ouvrier international (5), vol.5, pp.343-346, 1985.

S. Shih, The Lure and the Modern: Writing Modernism in Semicolonial China, pp.1-73, 1917.

, What I'm trying to pick out with this term is, firstly, a thoroughly heterogeneous ensemble consisting of discourses, institutions, architectural forms, regulatory decisions, laws, administrative measures, scientific statements, philosophical, moral and philanthropic propositions -in short, the said as much as the unsaid. Such are the elements of the apparatus. The apparatus itself is the system of relations that can be established between these elements, Power/Knowledge Selected Interviews and Other Writings, p.194, 1972.

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. Author-unknown and . Lyon, Carrefour des races: Les Chinois de Saint-Irénée, L'Est Républicain, 1930.

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G. Wilder, However, Wilder astutely points out that Conklin's thesis, which highlights the gap between republican values and colonial practices, tends to save a pure 'French national-republican ideal while denouncing its colonial violation, The French Imperial Nation-State: Negritude and Colonial Humanism between the Two World Wars, pp.6-7, 1997.

J. Harmand, Domination et colonisation [Domination and Colonisation, p.159, 1910.

. Wilder, The French Imperial Nation-State, p.50

, Nouvelles de l'Institut, Annales franco-chinoises, vol.7, p.25, 1928.

W. Mignolo, Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking, p.283, 2000.

. Shih, The Lure and the Modern, p.53

D. Chen, Wusi qianhou dongxi wenhua wenti lunzhan wenxian, p.36, 1915.

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. Sakai, Translation and Subjectivity: On 'Japan' and Cultural Nationalism, p.61, 1997.

R. Karl, Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p.4, 2000.

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. Mignolo, Local Histories/Global Designs, p.304

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, La Dame Tshao: la société chinoise au temps des Han, Chinese Society during the Han, p.128

. Chow, Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies, p.16

Y. Tchen-p'ong and L. , , p.2, 1940.

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. Hoang-tsen-yue-;-khong, M. Tseu, and . Tseu, Etude comparative sur les philosophies de Lao Tseu, 1925.

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. Courant, Le futur institut franco-chinois, p.19

. Lam, Etude sur l'organisation et le fonctionnement du service de l'instruction Publique dans la Chine modern [Study on the Organisation and Functioning of the Service of Public Instruction in Modern China, Lyon: Bosc Frères M. & L. Riou, p.127, 1939.

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URL : https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02186006

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