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, She is currently a faculty of Zhejiang University of Technology. Her current research interests include visual saliency detection, video object segmentation, Vitae Qiong Wang received the Ph.D. degree with the, 2019.

. France, She is currently an Associate Professor in the "National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rennes" in France. Her research interests include visual saliency detection, multimedia quality assessment, medical imaging and human perception understanding, 2012.

Y. , LI is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with

B. Bruxelles, His current research interests include depth estimation, light field, and deep learning

, Since 2014, he became Professor at INSA: he teaches Signal and Sys-700 tems, Signal Processing and DSP. As a member of IETR UMR CNRS 6164, his research interests include pattern recognition, semantic image segmentation, facial micro-expression and salient object detection, Kidiyo Kpalma received his Ph.D in Image Processing INSA Rennes in 1992